Expert landscaper Frank Contey, member of Landscape Guild and Terra Graphics, answers your questions on landscaping.

What are the things I can do to my landscape so it can attract hot girls to me?

I have no idea what you look like and I don’t really know who you are, but if you’re still wearing that Air Supply t-shirt, even landscaping can’t help you score on hot girls. But if this is not the case, then my answer is roses. Plant roses in your lawn and hot girls are sure to notice. Immediately, she’s going to know you have the ability to take care of a plant with such beauty. Let’s take my dentist, for instance. He has roses outside his office, so when women come in for their appointment, they always ask about his roses what kind they are and where he got them. It’s pretty amazing how it can start an instant conversation. My personal choice for a no-frills, easily available rose for a guy is one dubbed a “Knock Out” rose. It’s compact, about a meter high, and very easy to take care of. Plus, it has an awesome name. But if you mean serious business, you can try going with the David Austin line of roses. This line has the form and fragrance of antique roses with the advantages of modern hybrids.

And one more thing: There’s this guy I know named Steve who is one of the best horticulture experts in New Jersey. He’s a seasoned sailor with a rough exterior and really knows his plants. When I spoke to him about this inquiry, he started laughing and said, “Plant a red-hot poker, or a burning bush.” I found this funny, but I say just stick to the roses.

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