So your overly aggressive best buddy scoured the dating websites and created a pretty witty online dating profile as you! And then there’s this real guy she connected with and wants to get to know you. You’re all set to meet him for drinks on Friday night. He seems really, really fantastic and you’re really scared shitless.

Don’t get your panties in a bunch. It’s all going to be alright, because you’ll have the power of feng shui on your side. Yes, you got that right. You can go over our online dating tipsin utilizing the ancient system of feng shui at home and on your date to make for a fantastic evening. You may never have to go browsing for your soulmate ever again.

Our feng shui online dating tips begin at the right hand corner of your bedroom. Using a few techniques here can help create a lasting and loving relationship. Ensure you don’t have anything that relates to any long-lost relationships in this area. It’s time you get rid of those old love letters. Place two pink candles encased in glass or crystal holders in this area. From here on up until the date itself, make sure to light these candles frequently. They will ignite a flame in your heart and bring someone new to love in your life. Placing a sexy nightie in this area will heat things up as much as the two candles will.

Make sure you have something on hand that can excite each of your man’s five senses. To stimulate scent-ual romance, add a drop or two of essential ylang-ylang oil to a low-wattage bulb. Have sexy music readily available. The candles are already there, but having massage oils, red sheets and any sweet edibles can help you prep up for a potentially passionate evening.

There are a few restaurant rules too: Let him chat up the hostess regarding your seating area. When you’re seated, make sure he gets the chair facing the front door or has his back to a wall. This puts your man in a position where he can feel confident, bold and sure of himself.

If you’re up for a traditional twist on your date, let him know what you would like to have and let him order for you. If you like your martini shaken, not stirred ala James Bond, allow him to pass this piece of information along to the bartender. Finally, don’t be too quick to jump on the bill when it’s given by the end of the evening.

If you follow these online dating tips in good faith, they will definitely bring you good fortune, more positive results and maybe a trip down the aisle.

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