
Get a load of these dating tips online and mini golf can suddenly be classified as somewhat erudite. The takeaway? Just do whatever makes the both of you happy.

Staying Close with Guns
Try hitting your cowboy action shooting club and dress up in a Western outfit, shoot em guns, and pretend you’re in the Wild West. This can be seriously fun!

Geek Conventions
Check out the next sci-fi convention or comic con happening in your city. Your man can get to see the “Star Wars” characters he loves, and at the same time you can connect with your fellow “Charmed” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” fanatics. It’s an instant geek bonding time!

Bowling Partners
You and your hubby can join a bowling league. Bring your own shoes and balls you can even have matching shirts!

A Dreadful Pastime
Going ghost hunting in old houses and graveyards is one of the more adventurous dating tips online . Bring an electromagnetic field detector along with you, which can be fun because it goes off if there are ghosts around. It’s very scary, but can be highly entertaining. Some can even be a little turned on by this little ghost adventure.

Getting Dirty Literally
How about doing something those rednecks do for fun? Go mud bogging! Take your four-wheel drive truck to a muddy field and do wheelies and donuts. Just be prepared to hose off all the mud the next day. 

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