Yes, it can be direct, but meeting sexy girls at a club can be quite intimidating. It’s funny how it looks so easy to do on the tube and in the movies, but there’s a whole lot of social etiquette to ever-so-delicately tread across. How do you meet women in a time where Facebook has its own set of rules on poking, where Dutch courage ultimately leads to careless judgment, and when chatting can become a love-hate thing?

We think that the worst mistake guys make when they’re trying to meet sexy girls is they pick the wrong places to do so. For the benefit of all the clueless men out there, we have compiled a guide to the best places for meeting sexy girls to help you have a happier love life without hangovers of the heart.

Online dating
Does the idea of meeting sexy girls at online dating sites appeal to you? For most guys, perhaps not, because there’s a stigma attached to online dating, but this should not let you be put off. Signing up to an Internet dating website is a totally different way to meet women, so you also have to make a different approach. What you have to keep in mind though is the importance of standing out when creating your profile since you are just one of the thousands upon thousands of other people looking for a potential partner. And the more you write something about yourself, the easier you’ll find somebody to connect with. You probably just have to leave the fact that you’re scared of cockroaches.

The workplace
This may sound a bit risky, but bear with us. Connecting with women at your workplace surpasses many obstacles. It’s easier to strike up conversations with colleagues about fellow coworkers, office politics, and even the vending machine malfunction at the cafe. Getting involved in work social events is a great way to meet women just don’t give them reasons to gossip about the next day.

But like we’ve said, there are risks involved, so be careful. Due to a small, inconsequential detail of sexual harassment, refrain from being too straightforward at work. Instead, begin with a bit of witty banter over things you have in common, then level up the flirting by sending a saucy email.

The gym

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